Saturday, April 28, 2012

Seven shirts is a wee concept i came up with a few weeks ago. I absolutely LOVE shirts, especially ones with the collar done 
right up to the top. And so, in tribute of this, i have photographed seven of my most favourite shirts to share - of course these are just two... there will be more to come soon when i figure out a way of showing them. Such fun! 

p.s If you plan on reblogging my photographs, please link me!
I hope you're all having a great weekend!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Lately, life has been interesting... filling our days with creativity amongst the uncertainties that have popped up in the past few months. Somehow we feel peace.

(and yes, those are thank you cards from our wedding, you should see the mound i have to get through!)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


greetings friends - i have had a long while to play with the idea of sharing these photos, sometimes thinking that i'd rather keep them private but then more often lately marvelling at them and the idea of blogging them. it's really is a dilema that i
have quite often in my mind about how open to be about my life over in my little corner of the internet... but i've decided
that i love these pictures too much not to share the joy with you all.
 it really was the most amazing day almost three months ago now. the day i made a vow to the man that i will always
love. our photos were taken by the wonderful Benjamin and Elise. if you would like to read about our wedding in more
detail, there is a writeup here on magnolia rouge.

(ps - yes, i have taken down most of the pictures a week later, i'm a chicken!)
(pps - i might put some more up soon of our reception styling etc if anyone is interested?)